Order Information

Where can you find our products? Simply use the map below to find a store closest to you. Please call ahead to ensure that the store still has stock available.

You're a store owner but your store is not yet listed in the map? Please message Michael at michael@themooseimports.com and let's get it sorted!

* If you're outside of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario and interested in purchasing our products please contact us! *

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* Call ahead to ensure that the store still has stock available! *

Product SKUs

Our products are currently available in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Any other Canadian provinces please send us a message at info@themooseimports.com for special order information.

** Available through Liquor Connect for Alberta, Liquify and/or LDB Wholesale for British Columbia, Liquor Mart for Manitoba, and LCBO for Ontario. **

Hwayo 17 Soju

< 375ml >

AB: 835327

BC: 40472

Hwayo 25 Soju
< 375ml >

AB: 835329
BC: 40603
MB: 50251
ON: 029916

< 750ml >

AB: 835330
BC: 40606

Hwayo 41 Soju
< 375ml >

ON: 29927

Hwayo 41 Soju
< 750ml >

AB: 835328
BC: 70225

Hwayo X.Premium Rice Whisky
< 500ml >

AB: 859987
BC: 352446
ON: 29913

< 750ml >

AB: 839927
BC: 70222

Hwayo 53 Soju
< 500ml >

AB: 865151
BC: 489752

Good Day Original Soju

< 360ml >

AB: 831868

BC: 254060

Good Day Blueberry Soju
< 360ml >

AB: 831869
BC: 442775

Good Day Pomegranate Soju
< 360ml >

AB: 843551
BC: 442778
SK: 40083

Good Day Pineapple Soju
< 360ml >

AB: 843549
BC: 442783
SK: 40084
MB: 50258

Good Day Lychee Soju
< 360ml >

AB: 867336
BC: 442789
SK: 40085
MB: 50260

Good Day Peach Soju

< 360ml >

AB: 870202

BC: 250352

Good Day Melon Soju
< 360ml >

AB: 870201
BC: 250349

Leegangju Pear Ginger Rice Spirit 25
< 375ml >

AB: 863465
BC: 489620
SK: 40209

Màkku Original Rice Beer
< 355ml >

AB: 877802
ON: 29633

Màkku Blueberry Rice Beer
< 355ml >

AB: 877804
ON: 28749

Màkku Mango Rice Beer
< 355ml >

AB: 877805

Red Monkey Makgeolli
< 375ml >

AB: 878336
BC: 316536

Solsongju Pine Rice Wine
< 375ml >

AB: 885014
BC: 268420

Damsoul Premium Pine Soju
< 375ml >

ON: 29612

Jung One Gin
< 700ml >


Seoul Night Plum Spirit
< 375ml >

AB: 872100
BC: 343123
ON: 029725

Won Mae Plum Wine
< 375ml >

AB: 872103
BC: 343126
ON: 029906

Île Four Yuzu Sake
< 500ml >

AB: 878339
BC: 369890

Cass Fresh Beer
< 330ml >

AB: 887732